DB Auto Invoicing from DB Computer Solutions
Automated Supplier Invoice Processing Speeds Productivity and Accuracy
DB Auto Invoicing from DB Computer Solutions is an online system designed to move the functions of the Accounts Payable process online for increased accuracy, productivity, and efficiency.
Auto Invoicing speeds the accounts payable process, helping your staff to minimise the time it takes to process invoices, with no loss of accountability or control.
DB Auto Invoicing also incorporates:
- Price Watch – notifying you if a supplier increases their price
- Click google search – just click on an invoice line and you get the google search results for that product
- Statement Reconciliation – provides an automated statement rec aid
- 7 Years data storage
Figure Above: Your Staff processes Supplier Invoices more efficiently with DB Auto Invoice
- Significantly reduce supplier invoice processing costs, while speeding those processes with no loss of accuracy or control
- Flexible access to suppliers’ invoices from anywhere at any time
- Easy control of issues with a system that watches for price increases
- No more lost supplier invoices, accounting errors, accounts put on hold, lost VAT reclaims, or unnecessary over-payments
How it Works
Step 1 – your suppliers email their invoice to your DB Auto Invoice account
Step 2 – the system extracts the invoices, codes, processes, and stores them
Step 3 – the system updates your accounts (DB Auto Invoicing is fully integrated with most accounting systems including Sage Accounts), reconciles them with your statements, and automatically searches for missing invoices while never losing any of your documents.
It’s that Simple. And it Works!
You Stay in Control
You have the ability to set how every invoice is approved before it is uploaded to your accounts package: from simple approval, to complex multi-approval processes:
- Full manual approval
- Manual approval after Auto forwarding
- Multi-approval
- Auto-approval below an amount
- Manual approval after PO match
- Auto approval after PO match
- Auto approval after GRN match
- Auto approval after statement reconciliation
For more information:
DB Auto Invoice is a simple to use, accurate, online solution that processes supplier invoices directly form their emails, right onto your accounts package.
The system is multi-company, multi-currency, and multi-employee.
For more information contact DB Computer Solutions:
info@dbcomp.ie 061 480980